Yeti, empresa especializada en bolsas neveras ha diseñado la Yeti Hopper 30, una nevera portátil con las últimas tecnologías en hermetismo e impermeabilidad. Se cierra mediante una cremallera hermética y tiene una capacidad de 6,5 litros. Esta bolsa nevera es de tela y puede colgarse al hombro para facilitar su transporte.
Se trata de una bolsa de tela realizada en DryHide, componente resistente a los rayos UVA, con revestimiento antimicrobiano y similar al utilizado en las balsas de agua, con un interior revestido de poliuretano termoplástico, un material completamente resistente al agua.
Se cierra mediante HydroLok, una cremallera hermética e impermeable utilizada en trajes de supervivencia y equipos de protección
Además, la bolsa nevera portátil cuenta con dos asas cortas para llevarla en la mano y una más larga para poder transportarla al hombro, unas costuras perfectamente soldadas que impiden escapes de agua y seis amarres para asegurar la nevera a tu barco o vehículo.
In testing the Yeti Tundra Haul cooler, I was impressed by Yeti’s attention to detail . Yeti could have simply slapped wheels on a Tundra and called it a day. But it didn’t. Yeti agonized over every aspect of how the wheels and handle would integrate into the design to the point that I was asking myself “Is all of this really necessary?” But it is necessary, because that’s who Yeti is. In fact, the handle was designed so that it doesn’t slam against the hard plastic if you drop it. And the wheels roll so quietly and smoothly that you’ll wonder why you ever used any other cooler.
Perhaps the most impressive feature (and of course the most important), is how Yeti integrated the wheels into the design. It managed to retain all space on the interior of the cooler without too many awkward bumps. Other wheeled coolers on the market fail to do this as sleekly as Yeti did