Bueno pues ya vamos poco a poco acabando el verano y con él todas las frutas que a mi me enloquecen. Creo que os he recomendado todas las recetas con frutas de temporada que me sabía...todas menos una: mi delicioso mousse de cerezas que suelo hacer siempre que viene algún peque a casa porque sé que les encanta.
Aún podeis encontrar cerezas en el mercado, pero si las veis muy caras siempre están las congeladas ( sí, ya sé que no son lo mismo pero a falta de pan buenas son tortas).
Aquí os dejo la receta para que la hagáis en casa tranquilos. ¡A disfrutarla este delicioso y ligero postre!
How is your summer bucket list coming along? Still, so many things to cross off before pumpkin spice lattes are back in town? My list is pretty short and the main reason is that my body is unable to deal with the heat of the summer, just can’t bear this crazy humidity. I need to scale down everything outdoorsy and without close proximity to a fan.
This cherry mousse is inspired by a dessert I enjoyed on one of my food expeditions however instead of making the white chocolate-cream pudding (was too heavy for summer for me) I decided to go for a light yogurt mousse. Also, it was made with roasted strawberries but I try to avoid to turn on the oven right now and cherries are in peak season and a great substitute. Enjoy!

800 gramos cerezas
150 gramos azúcar glass
4 claras de huevo
1 taza nata para montar
1 limón
Una pizca sal
Lava bien las cerezas, deshuésalas y trocéalas. Reserva unas cuantas para la decoración, y lleva las demás a la batidora para su trituración.
Añade el zumo del limón al puré de cerezas, y reserva el preparado unos minutos.
Ahora, con una cuchara batidora monta la nata.
En un bol, monta las claras de huevo con una pizca de sal. Cuando empiece a espumar, añade el azúcar poco a poco. La idea es obtener un merengue firme.
Una vez listo el merengue, mézclalo con la nata montada haciendo movimientos envolventes. Echa poco a poco el puré de cerezas, y mezcla todo con mucho cuidado.
Finalmente, añade las cerezas reservadas, que previamente han sido cortadas en trocitos. Mezcla todo un poco y deja que repose el mousse en la refrigeradora hasta el momento de servir.

I cooked the cherries with some sugar and lemon juice to release their juice and with the added gelatine they take care of flavoring and keeping the mousse fluffy for days. The cherries stay firm during the short cooking time, which is a nice addition to the otherwise very airy mousse.
½ pound cherries, halved and pitted
150 g / ¾ cup sugar - divided
2½ teaspoons (7g) unflavoured gelatine
60 ml / ¼ cup fresh lime juice
235 ml / 1 cup heavy whipping cream
460 g / 2 cups plain Greek yogurt (fat-free or whole)
fresh cherries, crushed pink pepper corns, or fresh mint for garnish
Place your bowl and beaters into the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.
In a saucepan over medium heat stir cherries and 100 g / ½ cup sugar. This will be a bit dry at first but soon the cherries will release their juice (looks like a bubbly cherry soup). Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 2-3 minutes.
In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatin over the lime juice. Let stand for 1 minute. Stir into the cherries over low heat until gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove from heat, add amaretto liqueur if using, stir and let cool while you make the yogurt mousse.
Remove the bowl and beaters from the refrigerator and add the remaining 50 g / ¼ cup sugar and whipping cream. Whisk until the cream reaches stiff peaks. Add about ⅓ of the yogurt at a time and incorporate into the whipped cream with a scooping-and-folding motion.
You can fold all of the cooled cherries with the juice into the yogurt mouse or place just the cherries (try to leave most of the juice in the saucepan) on the bottom of the glasses, and fold the juice into the yogurt mousse and top the cherries with it.
Chill for at least two hours and serve garnished with fresh cherries etc.
