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No hace mucho el dejarse el cabello largo era algo exclusivo de las mujeres. Hoy en día nosotros también podemos lucir una larga melena y vernos estupendos. Si ese es tu deseo, no te pierdas estos consejos porque no es tarea fácil ( yo mismo lo he intentado varias veces y al final he acabado cortándomelo porque no tengo paciencia).

He estado hablando con algunos estilistas estos días y me han dado unos consejos para los que estéis pensando en dejaros el pelo largo y no sepáis cómo. Aquí van las 7 claves que debereis tener en cuenta. Ánimo.


On the right guy, a well-maintained head of long hair can look great. For men, however, maintaining a long hairstyle can be a bit of a chore. It takes more of work to keep that mane looking good -- so, before you grow out your hair, it's important to know how to take care of it with these tips on caring for men's long hair.

Like most anything, proper maintenance is critical to keeping your long hair in top condition.

If you damage your car, it can generally be fixed. If you scrape your arm, it will heal. Hair, on the other hand, normally can't be fixed -- hair is basically just protein with no blood supply and no way to heal itself once it's damaged. The only real way to fix damaged hair is to cut it off, so proper care is crucial.


Tienes que estar convencido al 100% que eso es lo que quieres y que se adapta a tu personalidad y tu estilo de vida. No es lo mismo tener 17 años y estar en vacaciones, que ser un hombre de 40 que debe trabajar en una oficina. No se puede toda la vida ser un eterno “adolescente”, pero un poco más largo que de costumbre tampoco queda mal.


Know Before You Grow. Before growing out your hair, make sure to have realistic goals and make sure the maintenance of longer hair is going to be something that will fit in with your lifestyle. You'll need extra time in your grooming ritual to maintain your mane. For working with long hair, you'll want to invest in good tools. A wide-tooth comb and high quality hair brush with natural bristles are essential. If you wear a ponytail, buy some cloth coated bands (rubber bands will damage the hair).


Identifica qué tipo de cabello tienes. Se dividen en cuatro grupos principales: crespo, rizado, ondulado y lacio. Una vez definido no lo olvides, porque te será de vital ayuda al momento de comprar shampoo y acondicionador. Si no sabes bien cómo diferenciarlo, pregunta a algún familiar, amiga o estilista.


Stay Healthy. The condition of your hair is often a direct reflection of the condition of your body. How often do you see an unhealthy guy with great looking hair? Not often. Stress, poor diet, smoking, and lack of sleep all contribute to poor health and dull, lifeless looking hair. So eat well, drink lots of water, don't smoke, reduce your stress, and live well -- both your body and hair will thank you for it.


No cortes tu cabello. Deja de lado este mito que dice que quién se recorta las puntas le crece más rápido o más fuerte. Todo lo contrario: tendrás que esperar mucho más tiempo para lucir una melena como deseas. Mantenerlo prolijo no siempre es sinónimo de corte.


Trim Regularly. Since the only real way to remove damaged hair is to cut off the damaged section, keeping your hair trimmed regularly will help eliminate ​split ends. Make sure to have your hair trimmed about every six to eight weeks, but make it clear to your barber or stylist that you only want enough hair removed to eliminate the split ends. It's amazing how much healthier hair can look after a light trim.


Lleva a cabo una buena higiene de tu cabello. Lo básico será mojarlo, aplicar shampoo (acorde a tu tipo de pelo) y luego enjuagar. Algunos hombres no usan acondicionador, por lo que depende de tus gustos, y si quieres obtener mayor suavidad o no. Déjalo que se seque solo o simplemente con una toalla. Usar el secador lo dejará débil y tardará más en crecer.


Shampoo and Condition Daily. Choose the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and use them daily. Before shampooing, use a wide-tooth comb (working from the ends to root) and make sure the hair is free of tangles. Wet your hair with warm water and work the shampoo through from the roots to the ends using your fingertips. Using your wide-tooth comb, gently comb through the hair (ends to root) and smooth the hair before you apply conditioner. Rinse the conditioner out with cool water.


Presta atención a los cambios que ocurren en tu cabeza a medida que el cabello crece. Que no sea una obsesión pero si que estés al tanto de lo que va cambiando. Cepillarlo antes de dormir y al levantarte serán dos buenas acciones que permitirán que no se enrede y que te veas de maravillas. Cuando lo laves, sécalo con cuidado con la toalla y si utilizas el secador ( algo que no te recomendaría que lo usarás todos los días) no lo pongas al máximo de calor y a una distancia de al menos 20 centímetros de tu cuero cabelludo.


Dry Carefully. Towel drying is one of the biggest causes of damage to men's hair. When hair is wet, it is highly susceptible to damage. When the hair is rubbed with a towel, some of the hairs become tangled in the threads of the towel and become stretched to the breaking point, causing damage to the cuticle (the shingle-like outer layer of the hair), frizziness, and split ends. To properly towel dry, shake out the excess water and stroke your hair in the direction it grows, rather than rubbing the hair with the towel. If you must use a blow dryer, apply a thermal styling spray or detangler to coat the hair and protect it from damage, use a wide-tooth comb to prevent pulling, and always leave the hair slightly damp.


Recuerda que es posible que tengas que sujetar tu cabello con una “colita de caballo”, aunque sea diminuta. Algunos hombres optan por usar vinchas cuando están en su casa, para tirarlo para atrás y que no les moleste en el rostro. Las gorras son buenas, pero aplastarán tu cabello y no dejarán que el cuero cabelludo respire, por lo que no crecerá tan velozmente.


Loosen Up. Wearing tight hats or very tight ponytails can cause a condition called traction alopecia -- hair loss due to damage to the hair's root from pulling hair too tight. Wearing a tight hat or ponytail can also stretch the hair and cause it to frizz and break. Ever notice someone who regularly wears a ponytail with shorter frizzy hairs around the hairline? This halo of short frizzy hairs is often caused by tight ponytails and rubber bands. Wearing your hats and ponytails looser will help prevent these types of damages.


Ten paciencia. Esto es a veces un poco difícil de conseguir. El cabello toma su tiempo en crecer y mientras tanto, no te sientas triste. Tal vez te lleve más de un año tenerlo en el largo que deseas, pero recuerda que la espera tendrá sus frutos en el futuro.


Now that you've got the knowledge to care for that long hair, are you ready to grow out your hair and make the commitment to keeping it looking great? Long hair requires a bit more work, but for the right guy, it can be worth the effort. And the beauty of hair is that you can always change it up. When you get tired of the long hair, you can always cut it short.


Blog de tendencias, moda y lifestyle masculino escrito por el periodista, blogger e influencer Miguel Biedma

Just Me, Myself and I
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